Four Part WEBINAR Series with SpiritWalker

Gary has been gifted the name of “SpiritWalker” as a recognition of his journey during a “near death” experience in 1973 that enabled his gifts of insight, intuition and spirit travel to develop.
Find out more about these 4 indepth webinars & BOOK NOW!!
Webinar ONE – Fire theme
Will include:
- Welcome, Karakia and brief overview of Gary Cook and why we are here today.
- Talk of our own ancestors and how to relate to them, to honor them.
- Creation story from Aotearoa.
- The Fire within.
Webinar TWO – WATER theme
Will include:
- Welcome. Karakia
- Ley lines
- Dowsing
- Connecting to the waters within and the waters without.
- To explore the sacred within you own country. Old sites sacred to the first-comers. Later sites recently discovered.
Webinar THREE – EARTH theme
Will include:
- Welcome. Karakia
- Pounamu, Greenstone, The Sacred Stone of Peace
- Creative visualisation of guardians.
- To connect with the plants.
Webinar FOUR – AIR theme.
Will include:
- Welcome. Karakia
- Papatuanuku chant.
- Connecting with elementals and Faery
DATE: 6 November 2013 Time: 7pm Investment: $20
Find out more about these 4 indepth webinars & BOOK NOW!!